"But poetry is gay, Mr. Doherty"
I've heard that statement more than once this term.
Week one was Limericks. One of the boys insisted that if he was writing a poem it would be about something cool! Theropods. Finding rhyming words for that is not an easy task. I thought I would set a good example and write a limerick of my own. It is about young Nicholas and his theropods.
Young Nicholas loves dinosaurs
Even though they have very sharp claws
He can name them all for us
Like the Tyrannosaurus
With short arms but terrible jaws.
This week's style of poetry was Diamond Poems. Seven lined poems shaped like a diamond about a linked subject. The poem switches between the subjects in the middle of the 4th line. The 2nd and 6th line have 2 descriptive words. The 3rd and 5th line have three verbs, ending in -ing
Oval, white
Moving, cracking, hatching,
Helpless, hungry, high nest
Growing, learning, flying
Black, feathers
by Oden.
All the words were his with only a little prompting.
I love working with the Year 3 students. I'm definitely going to miss them over the Christmas holiday break.